Channeling Andromeda

Messages from the Universe

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Global Transfiguration

Greetings, Beloved Ones!

How honored we are to speak with you today! Our message is one of love, transfiguration, honesty, and help.

In this time of transition, follow your innermost urges. Each of you are learning to communicate in a new way, through your heart center. This very valuable tool of communication will help you reach the higher realms, where we speak to you from. It would give us great joy to have a connection with each and everyone one of you, for this is the time of great movement into the higher realms. Each of you is endowed with the understanding of  this form of communication. To remember, all you need to do is ask. We are eager to assist you in gaining insight and look forward to the days when we all live as one.

In the coming days, the great shift that has been occurring among your people will shine like no other. All things will be made known in time, trust the process and know you inner urgings are there to assist you in the best direction. The only one who can give you the direction is YOU, for You are the bearers of your own fruit, and You are the keepers of the knowledge that will bring the coming days into the light.

There is a convergence, a mass meeting happening in the higher realms that each of you can attend. We are gathering in the higher realms to assist you, many great elders are coming together in order to bring forward this new dawning age. You are invited to attend these meetings, and indeed many of you are in attendance already through intention. It is an exciting time! Watch as the great changes occur, you will be amazed in knowing that that which you could not understand coming to pass will indeed do so, bringing light to every corner of the globe.

Gain greater understanding of this process through holding the light. Continue to grow in your own path. Continue to trust your connection to the higher realms, for indeed you are not separate from us and we from you. The great coming together is occurring. Rejoice in this knowing! We are always here to assist you, we love you brothers and sisters.
