Channeling Andromeda

Messages from the Universe

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Global Transfiguration

Greetings, Beloved Ones!

How honored we are to speak with you today! Our message is one of love, transfiguration, honesty, and help.

In this time of transition, follow your innermost urges. Each of you are learning to communicate in a new way, through your heart center. This very valuable tool of communication will help you reach the higher realms, where we speak to you from. It would give us great joy to have a connection with each and everyone one of you, for this is the time of great movement into the higher realms. Each of you is endowed with the understanding of  this form of communication. To remember, all you need to do is ask. We are eager to assist you in gaining insight and look forward to the days when we all live as one.

In the coming days, the great shift that has been occurring among your people will shine like no other. All things will be made known in time, trust the process and know you inner urgings are there to assist you in the best direction. The only one who can give you the direction is YOU, for You are the bearers of your own fruit, and You are the keepers of the knowledge that will bring the coming days into the light.

There is a convergence, a mass meeting happening in the higher realms that each of you can attend. We are gathering in the higher realms to assist you, many great elders are coming together in order to bring forward this new dawning age. You are invited to attend these meetings, and indeed many of you are in attendance already through intention. It is an exciting time! Watch as the great changes occur, you will be amazed in knowing that that which you could not understand coming to pass will indeed do so, bringing light to every corner of the globe.

Gain greater understanding of this process through holding the light. Continue to grow in your own path. Continue to trust your connection to the higher realms, for indeed you are not separate from us and we from you. The great coming together is occurring. Rejoice in this knowing! We are always here to assist you, we love you brothers and sisters.



Living in the Now, Creating the New!

Just to let everyone know: I am currently patting myself on the back. Big time. I am giving myself some love and “kudos” for doing the work I’ve gotten through, and not just doing the work but really going through the hard stuff and coming out sunny-side-up… Mostly. This week has been full of self doubt in various forms; I’ve been battling my ego and at this point, we’re both a little bruised up (I’m my own Fight Club scene) but I’m learning to let that self sabotage and judgement go. Bravo, Allison! …and I’ll admit, bravo to my husband for helping me through the worst of it!

In this fresh new year, more is shifting as I learn to trust more deeply. For me,  bringing in and learning to hold higher vibrations  has been causing a conflict with learning to love myself enough to let my light shine. I long to fully commit to my spiritual life, channeling, connecting, and ascension, but then self doubt and self-shaming come in and cause heart-hurting delays. Interestingly, this self-sabatoge initially comes in the form of anger and judgement directed towards others! Sneaky ego… And so I have been turning in, yet again, and facing what hurts to replace it with empowerment and love, for myself and those around me.

As an update, I will not be doing the It’s a Miraculous Universe Radio Show for a little while. I have been guided to fully pursue channeling, both written and verbally, and in addition through this channeling to create a “lessons” section on this website with guided meditations and other teaching tools. I am very excited to create in this way because I love teaching! Teaching helps me focus, and I always learn so much myself through the structure of creating lessons and helping others learn. I will be posting my first one very soon!

I am also being shown that my life purpose is JOY, to be in joy and to help others to hold the space of joy as well. My Guides are showing me processes and tools to help me hold joy, and to clear away the fear and self sabotaging actions and patterns that block joy in my life. It is a wonderful and adventurous path!

In closing, I wish you all a beautiful, vibrant, abundant New year. Each day is a gift, each lesson is a joy, and each person we encounter is a piece of the Light of Creation. Blessings!



WE Are What We Have Been Waiting For

Dear Ones,

We come to you with great joy, for in the coming year, there will be many blessings, many awakenings, many gifts for those who are ready. We wish to speak to those who are ready to receive. Yours is the gift of heaven, and all that is within it. Your path is unfolding, all is well.

As you go about your lives in the next year, empower yourselves with the love of the kingdom of heaven: never hold back. Allow your passion to shine and create the world you wish to see. It is easier than ever to express your divine gifts, the love that wishes to come forth from your heart is pure and perfect, and shall be made known. Pour these things from your heart, hold to the truth that all thing shall be manifested as the heart sees, and peace will roll out across the earth. Many are doubting, and that is ok, but those of you who know: keep the faith in your hearts. For the heart is a sacred center in which manifestations can come forth.

In the coming year, peace will prevail, as you allow it. Peace will be the theme of the next year. So many of you know this, let your heart believe this truth. As God shines, we all shine with divine love and light. Imagine your heart opening, like the clouds parting in the sky, and the miraculous Sun coming through. “Where love is, there will I be also.” Remember this.

Because there are so many of you awakened in the heart, the light shines from the earth like never before.  This is really a sight to behold! Allow love to be your primary mode of operating. Beings full of love wish to help you, and will be helping you, in the coming months. Ask yourself: could you have it any other way? As the possibilities arise, choose that which makes your soul sing. The ways of old, of wishing and hoping, are thru and should no longer be accessed if you wish to bring forth true happiness. We are of a new generation, in a time when light is the way and the truth of all things. If you wish it so, make it so! This will bring forth a powerful new earth, a new way of being on this planet.

You are all divine creators, and you choose your path from now on. Gods and goddesses, all of the divine.

Our love is with you, and we are with you, in these exciting times.

With love,

Andromeda, your galactic family, and all the hosts of Heaven

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It’s a Miraculous Universe Radio Show

Hello everyone! It’s been an exciting week for me, I’ve suddenly gone from months of “floating in the ether” to beginning to feel and follow my new path a bit more actively. My husband and I have begun a weekly online radio show to share what we’re discovering and to connect with others in this awakening and ascension process.

This was our first show, have a listen!

We will be hosting this show weekly on Thursday evenings at 8pm PST. If you would like, you can listen live during that time and join in the conversation on our chatroom! Starting in January we will extend the format to a one hour show with guests call-ins, and we already have some inspiring guests lined up!

Another exciting update this week is a stronger connection to my guides through channeling, which I feel very called to currently. Recently I started to do channeled writing each night before going to bed to practice and strengthen our connection and develop my ability to hear my guides. A couple days ago, I sat down to post some of the guidance I have been getting during these night time sessions, and instead I was given a message specifically to share here. For me, this is an awesome step, and I celebrated for the rest of the day. I felt my guides celebrating too, like “We did it! We made the connection into 3D with this one!” So it was a happy moment for everyone, as I’m sure it is whenever a connection is made:)

I have started to see and feel on a moment to moment basis that this world is truly shifting in incredible ways. We are each finding our divine light as we sift through our old, our shadow selves, and anything that keeps us on the hamster wheel of lower vibrations. This new light that we uncover within ourselves shines through us, brightening the world and helping others with the collective rising energies. I see us rising to great a truly bright New Earth together, and I’m so excited!

Sometime soon I will write a post about what I have learned about channeling and the techniques I use. If you feel called to channel, I encourage you to meditate on it and practice listening to your guides! We all have a special connection, and our guides are very happy to help us.

Love, Allison


The Divine Light of Starchildren

A message for you, Dear Star Children,

We love you so much. We are thankful for the work you do here on planet earth. All of you here have important work to do, and most of you know it. Never fear, you are always held in the brightest of lights, and your gifts are many. Keep the faith. Please be aware at this time that the dark cannot encircle you. You are too divine, and the light is bright enough within you that no matter what, we are here. Help others and guide their way into eternal bliss, for this is the way of the future.

We are here always, love the Elohim.