Channeling Andromeda

Messages from the Universe

It’s a Miraculous Universe Radio Show

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Hello everyone! It’s been an exciting week for me, I’ve suddenly gone from months of “floating in the ether” to beginning to feel and follow my new path a bit more actively. My husband and I have begun a weekly online radio show to share what we’re discovering and to connect with others in this awakening and ascension process.

This was our first show, have a listen!

We will be hosting this show weekly on Thursday evenings at 8pm PST. If you would like, you can listen live during that time and join in the conversation on our chatroom! Starting in January we will extend the format to a one hour show with guests call-ins, and we already have some inspiring guests lined up!

Another exciting update this week is a stronger connection to my guides through channeling, which I feel very called to currently. Recently I started to do channeled writing each night before going to bed to practice and strengthen our connection and develop my ability to hear my guides. A couple days ago, I sat down to post some of the guidance I have been getting during these night time sessions, and instead I was given a message specifically to share here. For me, this is an awesome step, and I celebrated for the rest of the day. I felt my guides celebrating too, like “We did it! We made the connection into 3D with this one!” So it was a happy moment for everyone, as I’m sure it is whenever a connection is made:)

I have started to see and feel on a moment to moment basis that this world is truly shifting in incredible ways. We are each finding our divine light as we sift through our old, our shadow selves, and anything that keeps us on the hamster wheel of lower vibrations. This new light that we uncover within ourselves shines through us, brightening the world and helping others with the collective rising energies. I see us rising to great a truly bright New Earth together, and I’m so excited!

Sometime soon I will write a post about what I have learned about channeling and the techniques I use. If you feel called to channel, I encourage you to meditate on it and practice listening to your guides! We all have a special connection, and our guides are very happy to help us.

Love, Allison

Author: AllisonHolley

Hi I'm Allison! I am a lifetime spiritual seeker (and finder) who had an Awakening experience in the Fall of 2012. I now practice channeling and meditation as a way to connect to the highest vibration aspect of myself and guides, and am currently traveling throughout the world with my amazing husband and Twin Flame, Wind. Blessing to You!

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